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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Elvis Presley – Almost in Love

“Almost in Love”: Recorded for the 1968 film “Live a Little, Love a Little,” “Almost in Love” is a catchy pop-rock tune that embodies the romantic themes of the movie.

Background (Watch the video below)

Penned by Luiz Bonfá and Randy Starr, the song features a lively arrangement and an infectious chorus that is sure to get listeners tapping their feet. With its upbeat tempo and catchy hooks, “Almost in Love” showcases Elvis Presley’s enduring appeal as a versatile entertainer capable of delivering memorable performances across different mediums.

Lyrics: Let’s sing along with the lyrics!

Your lips were made for kisses so tender
I’m almost in love tonight
When we are close, my heart says surrender
I’m almost in love tonight

And here under the spell of evening
I long to hold you tight
Heaven is near, why think of tomorrow
I’m almost in love tonight

It may be just the spell of evening
I long to hold you tight
Heaven is near, why think of tomorrow
I’m almost in love tonight

Almost in love
