Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Cardi B – Bickenhead

Background (Watch the video below) Cardi B, the bold and unapologetic rapper, burst onto the music scene with her chart-topping hits and unfiltered persona. Among her repertoire of empowering anthems stands “Bickenhead,” a fiery track from her debut studio album,…

Elton John – American Triangle

Background (Watch the video below) Elton John’s “American Triangle,” a haunting ballad from his 2001 album “Songs from the West Coast,” delves into the tragic narrative of Matthew Shepard, a young gay man brutally murdered in Laramie, Wyoming, in 1998.…

Elvis Presley – Any Day Now

About The Song: (Watch the video below) “Any Day Now” is one of the many gems in Elvis Presley’s extensive repertoire, showcasing his emotive vocal delivery and ability to convey profound emotion through song. Originally written by Burt Bacharach and…

The Beatles – Bad Boy

“Bad Boy,” a lesser-known track by The Beatles, packs a punch with its raw energy and rebellious attitude. Released in 1965 as part of the album “Beatles VI,” this gritty rocker stands out as a departure from the band’s more…

Michael Jackson – Ghosts

“Ghost,” a mesmerizing short film and song by Michael Jackson, is a captivating journey into the surreal and fantastical. Released in 1996 as part of the “Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix” album, “Ghosts” showcases Jackson’s unparalleled…