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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The Beatles – Bad Boy

“Bad Boy,” a lesser-known track by The Beatles, packs a punch with its raw energy and rebellious attitude. Released in 1965 as part of the album “Beatles VI,” this gritty rocker stands out as a departure from the band’s more polished pop sound, showcasing a darker and edgier side of their musical repertoire.

Background (Watch the video below)

From the moment the song kicks off with its driving rhythm and distorted guitar riffs, listeners are catapulted into a world of defiance and defiance. John Lennon’s raspy vocals exude a sense of swagger and rebellion, as he delivers the lyrics with a raw intensity that is both captivating and exhilarating.

“Bad Boy” is a celebration of nonconformity and rebellion, with lyrics that defiantly declare the protagonist’s refusal to play by the rules. With its infectious groove and infectious energy, the song captures the spirit of youthful rebellion and defiance, inviting listeners to embrace their inner “bad boy” or “bad girl” and revel in the thrill of breaking free from societal expectations.

But beneath its rebellious exterior lies a deeper message about the complexities of human nature. Through its gritty sound and defiant lyrics, “Bad Boy” explores themes of identity, self-expression, and the search for authenticity in a world that often demands conformity.

As we listen to “Bad Boy” today, we are reminded of The Beatles’ unparalleled ability to push boundaries and defy expectations, both musically and culturally. In this electrifying anthem, we find not only a celebration of rebellion and defiance but also a reflection of the universal desire to break free and forge our own path in life.

Lyrics: Let’s sing along with the lyrics!

A bad little kid moved into my neighborhood
He won’t do nothing right just sitting down and looks so good
He don’t want to go to school and learn to read and write
Just sits around the house and plays the rock and roll music all night
Well, he put some tacks on teachers chair
Puts chewing gum in little girl’s hair
Hey, junior, behave yourself

Buys every rock and roll book on the magazine stand
Every dime that he get is lost to the jukebox man
Well he worries his teacher till at night she’s ready to poop
From rocking and a-rolling spinning in a hula hoop
Well this rock and roll has got to stop
Junior’s head is hard as rock
Now, junior, behave yourself

Going tell your mama you better do what she said
Get to the barber shop and get that hair cut off your head
Threw the canary and you fed it to the neighbors cat
You gave the cocker spaniel a bath in mother’s laundramat
Well, mama’s head has got to stop
Junior’s head is hard as rock
Now, junior, behave yourself
